The Magic Of The Third Dimension
If its true that a picture can say more than a thousand words, then a hologram will say more than a thousand pictures. And indeed words greatly fail to describe the sensational experience felt by looking at a hologram. The object represented, breaks through the boundaries of the flat surface and by magic of the third dimension gets depth. A picture changes with a shift in perspective, just as real objects appear to change shape when we change our point of view.
Making Holograms since 1983

Dutch Holographic Laboratory B.V, or in short DHL, was founded in 1983. Even today in 2025 DHL is the only company in the Netherlands that focuses on designing and manufacturing holograms, developing holographic techniques and building hologaphic equipment, the so-called Holoprinters
Holograms were made for big companies like DAF, Philips, Nissan, Mercedes, Sony, Parasonic, GlaxoWellcome, HP, Heineken and more

Holograms made here in DHL are produced with our skill, devotion and care. We have 5 labs, 7 optical tables, one pulse laser, 10 CW lasers and 4 tables equiped with holoprinters like the MPGH, DFCH or the Dot holoprinter. Our own build software enables us to capture your 3d computer model in a hologram.
Meet our world-famous microscope hologram! This is not just any model; it is a revolutionary combination of technology and science!
What makes this hologram so special? It comes with an exclusive telescope spotlight, designed by our own team, allowing you to view the spectacular hologram even better!

DHL is located in Eindhoven at the Kanaaldijk Noord 63. That's the place where the magic happens and the holograms are made and shipped to customers worldwide.