In order to change the image of Holograms from a futuristic and expensive curiosity to a contemporan and payable artwork, Dutch Holographic Laboratory developed the first Holoprinter in 1992. This lead to faster and cheaper production of Holograms. The development didn't stop, and today there are several types of Holoprinters for sale.
MPGH Holoprinter for reflection masters
Digital Full Color Holoprinters for photoresist masters
Dot holoprinterOffice Holoprinters as 3D visualisation tool
MPGH Holoprinters
This holoprinter is available from 1992, and is suitable for automated printing of MPGH or CGH master holograms. No need to change your holographic setup anymore. The only thing that changes between jobs is the image on the slides!
Full color mastering is also possible, using three laserline colors.
The MPGH Holoprinter makes it possible to use computer models to do your mastering. So there is no need for a real model, nor to set up a totally new holographic recording table. Master sizes upto 80x60cm will be printed in less than 3 hours. Transfers (made at a separate optic table) will always be the similar. Now this makes your life a lot easier.
Digital Full Color Holoprinter
What is the Digital Full Color Holoprinter?
Computergraphics and digitally manipulated images are common nowadays. In order to best realize your clients' ideas, you need a holographic setup that can handle this input. Dutch Holographic Laboratory, known world wide as a supplier of high quality holograms and innovative holographic products, can supply you with a powerful, new holographic production tool: the Digital Full Color Holoprinter.
Reflection Hologram Mastering
The Digital Full Color Holoprinter will greatly expand and update your mastering capabilities. This fully digital system combines several holographic techniques to produce the highest quality photoresist masters - ready for embossing. Using this system, holograms can be created from a variety of sources: A series of photographs (MPGH), video footage (VAH), computer generated graphics (CGH), graphic art for 2D/3D - or even combinations of these inputs.
New Slitholder
Due to a new slitholder, developed by DHL Components, Holograms upto 30x40 cm can be printed. The old 20x25 cm slitholder can be replaced easily by the new 30x40 cm slitholder. If you would like to order a new slitholder for your Digital Full Color Holoprinter, Contact us.
DMD instead of LCD
The use of the Digital Micromirror Device, developed by the Components departement, in the Digital Full Color Holoprinter is a huge step forward. The use of a LCD set limits to the maximum size of your holograms, the type of objects and the type of holographic material. The new DMD brings within reach larger hologram sizes, new types of objects and may lead to the use of new types of holographic material. If you would like to receive more information about the use of the DMD in your Digital Full Color Holoprinter, Contact us.

This holoprinter should be part of every today's holographers setup. No more artwork on slides, nor putting them on glass. No more registration problems. Every hologram in the same setup. Mastering will take less than 2 hours. Transferring too. You compose your 2D/3D hologram in your computer, with the DHoX HoloSuite package.
Do not hesitate to ask for samples or information!
Dot Holoprinter
What is the DOT Holoprinter
With the Dot Holoprinter you can create sparkling dot holograms. Dutch Holographic's Dot Holoprinter can handle all rainbow colors in sizes upto 30x40 cm. The images resemble stained glass windows. These printers are used by artists to realize their designs. holographic dotmatrix brochure

DHL Dot Matrix Printer

30x40 cm Dot Matrix hologram Kun Shan University, Taiwan
Computer setup
You create your holocolors in a drawing program. After exporting the file as a bitmap (BMP image), this file is read by the printing program. One image will contain the color data, determining the angle between the two incident beams. The other describes the angle at which the part of the image is viewable. So the orientation of the two beams is kept here. More Information?
Onestep Office Holoprinter Project
What is the Office Holoprinter
The Office Holoprinter® prints on a laminated plastic film size din A3 (30cm x 40cm) a monochrome 3D image of 3D data within 20 minutes at the cost of about $13. The printer has the size of a copier (120 cm x 80 cm x 120cm) and is directly connected to the network. The price including the holosoftware will be about $200.000.
Explanation of the principals
A traditional hologram records in one shot an unlimited amount of views. Such a hologram, a master hologram, is like a window through which the object is seen. In the two-step process the first hologram master hologram, records a reduced amount of viewpoints by lack of the vertical parallax and dividing the horizontal parallax into a discrete amount, this without loosing the realism of a traditional hologram. To show the hologram in normal conditions it is necessary to transfer the master hologram to a second hologram. In the one step process the two steps of the two-step process are combined. Part of the first and second steps are simulated in the computer. The one-step process needs a limited amount (150) of well defined viewpoints of an object. When the computer has calculated (rendered) all off the appropriate views the resulting pictures will go trough a image distortion program. The output of that program is transferred across the network to the holoprinter which combines all the data to a 3D holographic image. Inside the printer the distorted pictures are displayed on a LCD screen and with laser light, optics, holographic optical elements and other electronics transferred to the holographic surface. The holographic film/emulsion is laminated onto a special rigid layer for easy production and visibility. After recording all the views the holographic material is dry developed by UV and IR. light. When the step and repeat process is finished the hologram is ready and one can enjoy the holographic image.