Dutch Holographic Laboratory b.v. started its history when Walter Spierings produced his first hologram in a shed in the backyard of his student home. Nowadays, our holograms are produced and developed in our own laboratory with high-tech production methods. Take a look at the possibilities for your (custom made) hologram.
At Dutch Holographic we produce:
Reflection Holograms Embossed Rainbow Holograms
MicroscopeMicroscope shows the reality value of a hologram. If you view through the ocular, you can see the IC under the objective. It is a traditional hologram from 1984. |
PianoPiano demonstrates a 3D hardcopy from a computer model. A CGH hologram made in 1992 on the Dutch Holographic Holoprinter. |
HendersonRicky Henderson makes clear that holograms can be full color. This famous player was recorded by the MPGH-technique. At the time (1991) it caused great admiration at the annual conference of holographers in San José, being the first large (30 x 40 cm) true full color hologram ever. |
Bull CUBEBULL CUBE presents animation in 3 dimensions. It is a Computer Generated Hologram, printed with the Holoprinter. |
DashboardDASHBOARD is used for previsualing design in a developmental environment. |
StomachSTOMACHS. A instruction 3D video animation in 2 colors. This inhouse drawn model was made for the pharmacie. |
Fishing BirdFISHING BIRD contains a 5 sec. movie, grabbed from videotape. It reveals new possiblities for holography now we have entered the digital era. |
Embossed Rainbow Holograms |
FaceFACE is an impression of true color holography using artwork on slides. |
PianocolorPIANO is a 3D Full Color embossed hologram, class CGH. Holograms are printed on the Digital Full Color Holoprinter. It shows the high quality of 2D/3D holograms using this CGH technique. |
Baby TigerThe BABY TIGER hologram holds 10 seconds of video. |
PeggyPEGGY was recorded using the Dutch Holographic Holotrack®. After digitally removing the blue screen, a beach was inserted in the background. The sand, water, palm trees and sky are all on different depth layers. |