Besides the worldfamous Holoprinters, Dutch Holographic Laboratory also produces other Components and Holographic accesoires.
Find out all about it on this page.
Telescope Spot for holograms
You own a nice hologram and you want to save yourself the trouble of how to make it work: order the telescope spot now! The telescope spot provides you with the right lightsource, the right angle and installing is very easy: bang one nail into the wall off your choise, extract the telescope, plug in the power plug and ready you are!
The best point light source now available to light your hologram, is a halogen bulb, that Dutch Holographic uses in its specially designed telescope spot. This spot makes it possible to obtain the right distance and illumination angle at which the displayed hologram has an excellent sharpness and viewing zone.
THolograms are recorded with laserbeams in complete darkness, resulting in an interference pattern in the holographic material. After processing, the image can be reviewed by passing laserlight through this holographic filter from exactly the opposite direction as used in the recording. Because use of laserlight is impractical due to cost, size of equipment and hazardness, Dutch Holographic produces copies of the "master hologram" as "white light reflection holograms", that can be made visible in a simple way by illuminating with a white point light source at the appropriate distance and angle.

Telescope spot: Easy and perfect lighting for your Hologram

Telescope spot: When extracted, the telescope spot comes exactly 100 cm forward.
The spot can easily be mounted to any wall with only one nail or screw; which is much more convenient than installing a ceiling spotlight. More Information?
The Holotrack System
Up till now photographers are making the most beautiful two dimensional pictures and holographers make sparkling three dimensional pictures, called holograms. Dutch Holographic Laboratory, for the first time, offers photographers the possibility to make 3D holograms without the skills of a holographer.
The innovative photographer now has the unique opportunity to make 3D pictures, holograms, in his own photo studio using the Holotrack system.
To produce a MPGH hologram, first one takes about 150 photographs of the scene, according to a special geometry. To make the recording easy, Dutch Holographic designed a setup controlled by a computer, for full automatic recording. To record all the views the camera moves over the track and every 3 cm (or any other interval) it will take a picture. This results in a film roll of color slides with all information needed to make a 3D hologram. More Information?
After developing the film it is placed in the optional Holoprinter, which converts it into a master hologram. Using this master hologram extra copies can be produced.